Poor Ray had to teach yesterday to make up for one of the snow days! He got up before me to do the preparation--and he is up before me today too. After he left, I took Cameron for a walk--sunny and pretty, but windy and cold too. When we came by to pick up the paper, it was gone. Sure enough, my parents were at the house.
I went to Sky's for less than an hour to do some bookkeeping for Kenney Ridge on her computer. The QuickBooks files are in PC format, so they can't put them on mine. When I got back, the Captain was hard at work digging potato trenches. We are going to have a whole garden of potatoes this spring.
We all had leftovers for lunch when Ray came back. Then he went back to his computer and worked all afternoon. My parents left and I did some meal planning. Airee came and got Bertha's couch. I thought she wanted it for her house, but she said if it didn't sell, she would keep it. I felt a little taken advantage of, but it is gone now and that is good.
My parents came back; my Dad had left his glasses. They had bought a vacuum cleaner, some chicken wire and some onions to plant.
While I was working on supper, Becky called to say they were going to the movies at Cine. Ray wanted to go, so we gobbled our supper, taking some of it in the car. Movies at Cine are so interesting. This one was British, called Another Year. At first, I had trouble understanding some of the accents, and missed a few lines. I often think, my life is so ordinary, I have nothing to write about. Who wants to read it? That's what this movie was like. It had no action or excitement. It's just one year in the life of an older couple. The funny thing? He is a geologist and she is a counselor, like a social worker. They have one son, who is quite ordinary. He has a job, too. There is a woman from her office who is lonely and drinks a lot and visits, and a couple other people in their life, all very realistically portrayed, but there is not really any plot exactly. I do like Cine, though, for one thing, I had a whiskey sour with my popcorn. But, nine dollars! It was worth it, because it was a nice outing, but not really for the movie. Becky and Kent hadn't eaten yet and we talked about going to have some dessert while they ate, but I was already yawning and we headed home and to bed.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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