Yesterday morning I got a little more exercise. Ray was working hard to get ready for his first quiz. I walked a little farther than usual and did an upper body workout from Dropped him off a little after 10 and went to the library. I wasn't there very long, and didn't find any new jobs to apply for. I met Becky for lunch and then picked Ray up again at 12:45. He had work he wanted to do at home for the Democratic Committee meeting that night.
I let the chickens out (cold but sunny) and did a load of laundry. Messing around on the computer, when the phone rang. I am on the short list for one of the jobs I applied for! I am excited, but trying not to count on it. She wanted to get permission to contact my references and ask me to send for my transcripts. I know I got extra transcripts the last time I ordered some (when I applied to grad. school), so I spent an hour going through some of the piles of paper. No luck, so I printed off the forms to order some more. She didn't actually schedule an interview, but said I would be hearing from them. A little odd...I did notify my references that they will be contacted. I also sent her the really nice reference letter that the president of the Board at AAHS wrote for me. And told her the names of a couple people in her department who know me. Other than that, my interview suit is ready and there's not much more I can do. I googled the ASPIRE clinic when I applied and I think it is a neat concept--it combines traditional counseling with budgeting, nutrition, and other areas where people might need help. The students do the counseling and they are supervised by professors, but the Coordinator runs the clinic.
Ray left for his meetings and I interviewed another Midd. applicant, this one in Andover, Massachusetts, where she attends boarding school. She is a language student and very bright and self-confident, but not quite as outstanding as the last one.
As it got dark, I made supper and waited for Ray. He finally got home when I had given up and started watching TV. Unfortunately, I had put some nuts in the toaster oven to toast and forgotten about them, so they were charcoal. The dinner was not as good as I had hoped, but it nourished us. I barely made it through a half hour of TV before I dozed off. I woke up to the Incredibles, which Ray was watching. Id did keep me awake for a little bit, but we both went up to bed by 9:30.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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