Not much to say about yesterday. It was Monday. Ray had to go back to teaching, and I went back to the library. Looked at the job listings and applied for one. Ate lunch in the car. Went back to the library until about 2, when I was restless and had to do something else. My eyes hurt and my back. I went to Earth Fare and took a long time buying some groceries. I needed a red pepper, but couldn't bring myself to pay $2.50 for it... some other things, too. Then I parked in Ray's parking lot to wait for him. It was sunny and I read email on my iPhone.
I got an exciting phone call! They are coming to fix my stove today. The bad news is, it will be between 10 and 4, so I need to stay here and Ray will drive himself in. It will be the first time in a while that I was alone in the house all day. I can do anything I want...
Driving home at 5 is really slow. I am glad we don't have to do it every day. It took about half an hour, and the sun was getting lower and lower as we inched along. Ray let the chickens out when we got home, even thought it was only for an hour. I made supper, which was not one of my biggest successes. Not enough red pepper, not enough spinach, not enough mint. And it just didn't taste that great. But that's what happens when you keep making new things, instead of the same old same old. It's a risk!
It was after 7 by the time we were done. I was looking at what was on TV, and I found the end of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. I love that movie, in spite of the violence in it. I especially like the part where Max meets the children and hears their mythology and the part where he meets Tina Turner and wins. I didn't get to see those last night, but I did see the part where they escaped from Barter Town in a train and the children flew off to the abandoned city--Sydney, with the opera house, where they live happily ever after. They light the city every night so the others can find their way...(no explanation of how, it's that kind of movie.) I like the costumes and the kids.
Then we finally watched one of our Netflix movies, which we haven't done in months, even though we pay a monthly fee to hold onto them. This was called Saving Grace and turns out to be a sort of precursor to the Doc Martin series we like. Serendipity!
Managed to get to bed before 10 and sleep through until after 5. Very dark. Warm inside from Ray's work with the woodstove.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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