Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Unfortunately, the relaxing and sitting around portion of my holiday is yet to come.
Bonney and her family arrived about 10 Tuesday night. Their flights were fine, no invasive searches. In fact, the X-ray machine was down in Albuquerque, so they walked right on. No problems getting their rental car or following Ray's directions here. We sat up talking a little, but I went to bed about 11. I dozed until Ray came to bed.
I woke up yesterday a little after 4 and lay awake, excited and anxious to get busy, until almost 5:30, when I would have gotten up. but then I fell back into a light sleep until after 7, so that was good. Nicky was sleeping on the fold-out love seat in the loft, so I took my computer downstairs. Before too long, my Mom got up and started making lots of bacon and eggs. We had picked up a few bagels at Publix, so I toasted some of those and poured juice, while gathering recipes for pies.
I threw on some clothes and walked the dogs, then came back and ate breakfast. It was a pleasant temperature out; it had rained some the day before.
Bonney and I took my Mom to the YMCA and went to buy some more groceries. When we got home, Ray took the Hugheses on a long walk around Kenney Ridge with the dogs. He had to come back partway because Zoe couldn't keep up. Cameron did great though. Mom and Dad and I had some lunch. I rested on the couch and looked at cookbooks. I was sleepy. Mom and Dad finally headed to Nancy's, Bonney and the boys went too.
They had hoped for some eggs, but there were none. So we had to head out to the store again before we could finish the pies. I took Hank and Chris and Nick to Watkinsville to the peach stand (which had apples from North Georgia), but it was closed! Long way to drive for nothing. The sign said Reopen Saturday. I was bummed. Then we went to EarthFare and bought eggs and a few other things. And next door to the liquor store to buy Southern Comfort for Scarlett O'Haras and beer.
We got home with our eggs and the squash was all peeled and cut up, the crust was ready. Mom made the pumpkin pie filling (the recipe I picked turned out to be pretty complicated, requiring beating the egg whites separately). The oven was preheating and we were just about to put it in, when, "pop, fizz." and bright sparks in the oven, then darkness. Ray checked the circuit breaker, but nothing. I made a couple calls, but Mr. Appliance did not answer or call back. Sigh. It's like a movie--your oven dies at 4:58 the day before Thanksgiving!
The good news is that Mom and Dad are staying at Nancy's. Nancy has an oven. Mom finished up the apple pie as well and took both over to her house, with the Captain and some whiskey and snack items. Hank and the boys followed soon after. Bonney was finishing up a second pumpkin pie (on a wheat-free crust) and Ray was cracking pecans. We also were making supper. I had made the rub for the pork--garlic, fennel, salt, and pepper. Ray cooked it on the grill (that was the plan even before the oven died). Bonney made polenta--mmm, good. In fact, she was making it when I left for the other house with the second pumpkin pie. The first two pies were in the oven, so I left it on the counter and went to sit down with the crew. They were watching, How I Met your Mother; not my favorite. And I had neglected to bring anything to drink. So, after about 1/2 an hour of stuffing my face with potato chips, crackers, and cheese, and stealing an occasional sip of my mother's drink (straight whiskey), I drove back to the house to see how it was going. On the way, I passed Bonney. Ray was still cracking nuts. I got some green beans out of the freezer and put them on to cook. (the burners still work), got out plates and silverware, and sat down with the stuffing bread to watch a little TV. Ray took a break from the nuts and brought in the meat. By the time I was done with the bread, people had started arriving back at the house.
Dinner was fine, but it was near 8 o'clock and I was beginning to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. My mom did the onions and herbs and butter for the stuffing. I took a turn with the nutcracker and sent my parents back to Nancy's to cook the second pumpkin pie and chill out. Bonney was working on the pecan pie, but we still needed a few more nuts. I was pretty useless at that point. We finished off the apple crisp with ice cream...and I headed to bed about 10 or so. Nicky moved down to my parents' bed. Slept pretty well, but got up too early.
I just remembered I promised my Mom Bonney and I would put the turkey back in the fridge. She will probably be here before anyone else is up--not sure if I can do it myself. Also, the dogs are very trustworthy, but it is possible they found it irresistible. BRB
Whew! the turkey is unscathed. The windows were open in the breezeway, so it was a little cool in there. I put it in the fridge out in the garage, and there is one pumpkin pie in there. Oh, boy. The kitchen needs a little work, however. And the freezer was open all night, just a crack. We noticed yesterday it kept being open. Needs some rearranging to close properly and stay closed. Now anytime you close the fridge, it pops open. If you don't notice and close it again...
Still dark here, but time to get dressed and get moving soon.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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