Feeling a little better this morning. Tired and achy and sniffly, but not too bad. Opening night went really well, except the dog didn't come when called. Her name is not Sandy, of course, but she has been doing it most of the time in rehearsals. Also, one of the assistants who did makeup and was helping follow along in the script, went to the hospital with chest pains. I didn't witness anything, but heard about it.
At work, Meredith was working from home all day (I guess). She just came by to pick up some raffle tickets. She and Kathleen are talking at a Women in Business luncheon today--a good thing; I'm just a little jealous. I printed out labels for the postcards we will be mailing in a day or two, making some changes to the mailing list as I noticed problems. Too bad I didn't notice them before I printed the labels. Also worked some more on the budget. I have cut and cut, but it is still too much. I wrote a blog entry for the new website--we'll see if she uses it. Had a quick lunch by myself at Quizno's, because the Thai place was closed when I went by--it was a little before 12, but they are supposed to be open at 11:30. It was good and fast and not very expensive--sandwich, soup, drink.
Dropped Ray off at Democratic HQ for his meeting at 5:15. When I got home, my parents weren't there. I was supposed to make an omelet or frittata, but there were a lot of rotten vegetables in my fridge and I didn't feel inspired. I went down to the freezer and found a pizza, but that wasn't too inspiring either. Mom and Dad and I went to Transmet and had some good pasta, a little wine, and I rushed off again. I was feeling kind of like I wished I hadn't committed to doing this play.
Picked up Ray, couldn't find a parking spot, so we parked at the bank--we're customers, so I hope they wouldn't tow us. Costume, warmups, makeup and on with the show! It was long, but we were home about 11. It was cold overnight and I went to bed with my makeup on.
Looking forward to the time change and tomorrow, when there is no play because of a home football game.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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