It was finally cool enough to open the windows last night, although not the kind of cool that makes you want to snuggle under the blankets, but a welcome change. It was in the low 90s during the day, but not as humid as it has been. I am tired and sore, haven't really slept enough in days--or gotten enough exercise or eaten right. Hopefully, this 3-day weekend will set me straight. Nothing we have to do, except drive to Atlanta twice, maybe do some gardening.
Today is the first home football game at UGA and the traffic in town yesterday afternoon was bad. I always hate to see the cars and trucks with multiple UGA flags attached to every window. The people seem so crazily obsessed to me. I suppose it is one more way to keep from thinking about any real issues.
Meredith is away for the weekend and took the day off yesterday, her first vacation since she started in January. I finished up the two reimbursement requests and submitted them. Unfortunately, the city finance department is now scanning every piece of paper and it will take two weeks to get our check. I worked some more on the mailing list. After lunch, we went to the Food Bank. They had lots of good milk, with expiation dates that hadn't passed yet, free interesting juices, like cranberry-black cherry, and brand-name cereals in boxes that were not completely damaged. We stopped at a drug store and got diapers, wipes, and disinfectant spray.
Then it turned out that the printer was out of ink. I had 3 ink cartridges for a different printer and they tried to hook that one up, but couldn't get it to work. I had a 3:00 counseling appointment, so had to leave. I felt bad because Meredith was gone and Kerri was terribly busy. After my appointment, I called and they hadn't been able to make it work, so I stopped and bought a cartridge and took it to them. That's when I really noticed the traffic. I picked Ray up and we went home and visited with my parents for a while. We just had leftovers for dinner, including some of the really good cheese from the party the night before, which was a big success, if you don't count the fact that only nine people came.
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