Another Saturday morning. I smile waking up as I realize it. Ray is at the coast with a group of students. I hope that it is going well. There is a certain pleasure in having the bed to myself to stretch out in and li there leisurely waking up. The windows are open, although it is not very cool an it is a little humid. I can hear the background insect noise. Two roosters crow competitively some distance from me. Then a train hoots and rumbles along. I can hear some cars as well.
Yesterday I worked hard, hoping to get the mailing list finished (not that it will ever be finished really). I did get through the M's on the last time through and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I begin to see a pattern. The people that I don't have addresses for are mainly those who have given a small amount several years ago and live out of state. So, it looks like they were deliberately dropped and I have been painstakingly adding them back! Starting on Monday, I am authorized to delete them instead. I also did a few other things.
At lunch time, I went to the Democratic HQ to eat my leftover pasta salad. The news has been depressing lately for Democrats. But the young people working for Russell are charged up. They had 40 people show up in Towns County, way up in the boonies, and a good turnout in Augusta. They say things are going well. A lady from Elberton came in and asked for a sign while I was there. And I got to see my older friend Ann D., who is a big fan of mine and was working the 12-2 shift.
At home, we threw together some supper, watched some speed Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, and I rushed off to the Fellowship. With the DVR, I can record them, and then skip through not just the ads, but the chatty parts. As soon as I guess the puzzle, I speed ahead to the next one. Wheel I can do in about 10 minutes, Jeopardy still takes 15 or 20.
At the Fellowship, they had a consultant from the Mid-South District, Connie. She is here all weekend. We are having a "kick-off" for our new minister. It's a chance to look back at our history and think ahead to who we want to be. I left at 9, but they were still going strong. It was interesting to be one of the older members. There were several that have been here longer--Virginia, Violet, David, Chip--but if you divided the group in half, I would definitely be in the older half. I joined in 1992. Some things I remember very clearly; others have faded away. I guess there is too much to remember every minute of every event.
Came home, went straight to bed, slept like a log for about 8 1/2 hours.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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