Yesterday morning, I walked out for the paper. It was a little cool, below 50. Then we had pancakes. Art came down just as we were finishing up. He only had one plateful. Then I got ready for church and we left. It was the annual memorial service, where people come up and take a bulb and say the name of the person they are planting it for. Karen Solheim talked about friendship...and death of course. We sang Comfort Me as one of the hymns. I cried some, but other people had more to cry about than I did. There was the Fourth Sunday lunch too.
Art and I went home and waited for Mitzi to call. She was coming to Sam's Club and we were going to meet her there. Earlier in the day, Art had made me happy by asking to borrow a book one of the Harry Potters. I had asked him a couple of times if he was reading anything in English and he had said no. In the car, he said, "when you read a book, it's like you are in that world. I like it." So all the while we were waiting, I was making banana cake and Art was reading Harry Potter on the couch in the sun. When Mitzi called, she said "don't say anything to Art yet, but one of our cats was killed on the road yesterday and we are all very sad. He was close to the cat." So, I had to respond on my end of the phone with Yes, okay, and not "I'm sorry to hear it."
After dinner, Vanessa and I watched Wild Wild West, which she hadn't seen before. Then I watched an episode of the Daily Show, read some and went to bed.
When I woke up, I had been dreaming about playing with some children (one little boy, maybe Owen or Eamon, except quite young), who had speach or communication problems. There were some experts with some fancy colorful teaching toy, but he and I just wanted to play and the expert allowed as how that was important too. I don't know if it relates to Lidet. She had called and told me she had a pumpkin. It was pretty endearing. Or maybe it was about Art...or about my career. Hmm.
Tomorrow morning when I get up, Ray will be here. Amelia is already on her way to work in Connecticut.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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