We had a great time last night. You would never guess what we were doing--playing Rock Star, the Beatles version. We were among the last to leave the party and it was almost midnight before we got to bed. The occasion--John Olive's surprise birthday party. He turned 64 in September, so naturally he did not expect a crowd of his friends, singing, "will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64," when he got home from running errands. I'd say there were at least 20 of us. Nathan was in on it too and chose to spend the evening at home with his parents' friends. Mrs. Judge was singing and boogying with me until she left to walk home. Mr. Judge had left a little earlier. Most of the time a group of us was singing along with whoever was performing. But Ray took the drums late in the evening and I had some chances to sing. There were a lot of Beatles songs I never heard of: Dig A Pony, I Me Mine...but I got 100% on Here Comes the Sun (Easy level of course). I woke up with a headache, even though I only had half a glass of wine!
This morning it was about 62 in here and I put the heat on. The computer says it's 38 out. I didn't know it was going to be that cold. It's usually colder here; I sure hope nothing froze in the garden!
We were disappointed to have rain yesterday all day, not pouring, but pretty steady. We walked out to get the paper. Then we drove to the Farmers' market. Man, what an unpleasant job, standing in the cold and the damp (they do have tents) all morning to bring us local vegetables and other food. We bought some green beans and some potatoes--and a leg of lamb for me to eat with my parents when they come home this weekend. Ray will be away, but he doesn't like lamb. Then we went to the grocery store and got a few more things. Ray had to take a nap in the afternoon; he sometimes has this on weekends. I don't know if it's allergies or what. I made brownies to take to the party.
Then we went to Walt Brown's memorial service. I have to say, I really think Terre does a much better memorial service. I can't say exactly how, but of course Dave never knew Walt. Jim W. talked about playing mediocre golf with him for years, and betting nickels on every hole: who would hit the longest, who would get to the green first, etc. He went to clean out his locker because he didn't really want to play any more without Walt, and found a little can of nickels. Martha and Dick A. apparently had birthday dinners with the Browns for years at the Chinese restaurant. All three of their sons were there and three nieces as well.
We came home and got the brownies and went to the birthday party. Life goes on.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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