Now we're in trouble! Elisa has a cold and I am getting it too. The five of us spent a lot of time together this weekend, so it's likely to spread. But, it's just a cold.
We started the day with a short walk--out to the mailbox where the paper is usually. Now, they seem to have stopped delivering it. It's been almost a week now. I don't really care if we get the paper, but I don't want to pay for it if they are not going to deliver it. Ray is the one who cares. My Dad has brought over his old papers a couple times. I expect Ray will call and complain at some point, but he is pretty intensely engaged, working on his public lecture on the Origins of Earth when he is not preparing for his classes.
The four of us went and sang a song we like a lot, "The Awakening," as part of a service I enjoyed more than most, including lots of great hymns like "For the Beauty of the Earth." My Dad came and then drove Elisa and Ray home. Molli and I heated up some leftovers and went to a training for FaceTime February. It was crowded and we had to sit on the floor and eat our lunch, but it went well. I asked them to include my father when they are contacting people.
Then Molli and I went to Trader Joe's (a first) and got some groceries. It was smaller than I expected and a little unpredictable in what they sell. Lots of packaged prepared foods, but no whole wheat flour, for instance. Ray and Elisa and my Dad ate at the Royal Peasant.
Mudge was in the garden, planting beets when we got home. I changed my clothes and went out, pulled a couple leeks and a cabbage. He was about done for the day so we went in. Molli put away the groceries and I got started on the soup for supper. We convinced Elisa to come down and play cards with us and kept my Dad from leaving. I won; we all laughed a lot and had fun.
After Mudge left, Molli went for a run and Elisa, Ray, and I played Carcassonne. He won, but it was a good game. Molli came back and we ate our Sausage and Potato Soup. Molli and I talked some about the meals for the rest of the week. Elisa asked what channel the super bowl was on, so she and Ray watched that. We all watched most of the Beyonce half-time show. Pretty impressive, but a little repetitive, with the obscene costumes and hair-tossing. It's interesting what a difference it makes having other people around. Molli and Elisa are fans and said things about her that made me enjoy it more. I made Individual Molten Chocolate Cakes and put them in the freezer, while Molli worked on her financial aid.
I went to bed a little after 10; the game was still on. I woke up about 5 and took my mask off. Happily, I went back to sleep.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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