Yesterday was a relatively quiet and calm day, even boring, but we didn't have much energy to do anything anyway.
In the morning, we were running late. My parents came by, but I didn't have much time to talk. I was ready before Ray, so we went in two cars. I hate being late, especially when other people are depending on me. We sang folky songs about justice...Let Peace Roll Down Like a Mighty Stream...and others. If you had an index card to write about race in 6 words, what would you say? Here's mine: there is no race but human. One person listed 6 black leaders like Parks and Obama.
There was a bake sale afterward to benefit the choir. I had made the brownies, but they still had to be cut up and put in baggies for sale. They did not cooperate. Although very yummy, they would not be cut in squares...but there was lots of other good stuff. In fact, it was the first time (I think) that we didn't sell everything. I brought most of it home and put it in my freezer. I bought $10 worth myself. The rest will come back to the Fellowship for some future event, like a choir party.
When I got home about 1:30, my parents were still there and we talked some about our weeks. Ray and I made salade nicoise for our lunch about 3 or so. (linner?) It was pretty warm out; I checked the garden and picked a few things, but didn't want to work in it. We actually took naps, which is pretty rare for me. I felt a little groggy when I woke up about 5:30. Then I did some weeding and a lot of sitting around watching the chickens and the dog until dark. There was a baby bird--maybe from a nest under the porch. Once I realized what Cameron was chasing, I told him to leave it alone and he did. I hope it is doing well. Ray said it was nearly fledged. Lots of birds and anoles (chameleon-like lizards) help keep our bug population down. There were lots of fuzzy caterpillars, but I don't see them any more. Still many small grasshoppers, although I am sure the chickens are helping. The first evening I was bothered by mosquitoes (they were huge).
Things to be eaten: peas, asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, radishes, many herbs...and of course, eggs.
I cooked the last of the baby bok choys and some brown rice for supper, which we ate about 9 and watched a little TV and went to bed.
I woke about 3 from a dream in which I couldn't breathe. My head ached and I suspect I really wasn't breathing. Not sure why, but I remember a roommate that I didn't know telling me that I was stopping breathing in my sleep and should tell a doctor. Maybe I will.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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