It's like Christmas--I jumped right out of bed because Nate and Lidet and Polly and Jim are here. Which is pretty silly because they probably won't wake up for hours. And I am pretty tired and didn't get enough sleep.
Yesterday morning, we had a pretty usual routine: breakfast, walk the dog out to get the paper, bath, get dressed. I probably did some tidying, but not much. Took Ray to work, went to ALT. Nathan was trying to give someone directions to some land. ALT has put in a request for a grant to do an archaelogical study for a piece of property where there was once a fort. Either Fort Mathews or Fort Hudson in Oconee County. I found the proposal on Nancy's computer, but no map or directions, just a fairly vague description--on the Oconee River, below the dam...Used the internet to read some things and looked at some maps. I'm pretty sure I found it, but would need confirmation before telling anyone else how to get there. Read a lot of interesting things on the way. The land owner wants the property to become a park. The adjacent property was to be a development, but because of the economic downturn, that is no longer the case--those owners are willing for it to be preserved as well. So, it's important to seize the moment. Apparently, there are some good things that result from a bad economy. But will it happen? I'll let you know in a few years, maybe.
I left at 12:30, not having accomplished much. I was a little sorry, because I won't be working there again until Monday, when Nancy will be back and I won't be sitting at her desk any more. I went to Earth Fare (I think that's shopping three days in a row, not my usual style) and got a few things I needed for my guests. Picked up Ray and we were home by 2-ish. I started by cooking. Enchiladas for potluck, to use up some of the tomatoes that were going bad (in a weird way, growing mold on the skin--I wonder what the sellers did to them). I had already started cooking the beans the day before. I also made a chocolate Eclipse cake (like pudding cake), because it uses sour milk and I had a lot of that around I wanted to get rid of, but couldn't quite bring myself to throw it out. I managed to use up the little bit left in two gallons, so there was room for the new groceries at the front and it didn't look quite so messy. And I grated the cheese and added it to the other ingredients I had already mixed up for chicken and rice casserole. Then I put it in a 9 x 13 pan and covered it with crumbs and aluminum foil and today's dinner is ready to go in the oven.
Then it was time for some serious cleaning. Ray washed the screens and put them on and then mowed enough of the lawn to make it look inviting for young children to play on. It was pretty hot out. I tidied the downstairs some and vacuumed the whole house pretty thoroughly. I even dusted some. We decided we wouldn't go to potluck after all. Polly called and they were nearly to 316; it looked like they would be here before 8, so we decided not to go to choir either. Captain and Vanessa arrived as we were about to eat some enchiladas. Ray had 4... After that, I carried all the books from the study to the downstairs guest room. Ray had emptied one of the bookcases (at my suggestion) and moved it in there, sort of for decoration. Somehow, they didn't all fit back in. DId a little more work upstairs, and they arrived! Cameron was excited.
They liked the chickens and wanted to explore the gardens, but we herded them inside to eat something. I showed them the rooms and, as envisioned, Nate was excited about Molli's room (the red room) and Lidet liked the smaller Zen room (sewing room), with the mattress and box spring on the floor. The scale is right for her. They will share a bathroom and their parents have their own suite downstairs. I am so glad to see them happy here. Downstairs, they all liked the enchiladas (I am not crazy about them, but that's okay). Captain and Vanessa made martinis for those who wished and broke out the potato chips; others ate enchiladas and maybe some homemade bread. I was/am deliriously happy. The children were told they could explore anywhere, but must ask before touching anything. Lidet found the feathered masks and tried them on--adorable! They even went down cellar and Nate asked if he could bring up a game. "Sure," I said. It was Yacht Race. He and I and Jim started a game as my parents left.
Polly started helping Lidet get ready for bed (even though it was only around 7 in Seattle). I think she was excited about her room. Nate beat us at the game, perhaps the least exciting round of Yacht Race we ever played. Ray went to bed and everyone disappeared, although I could hear them. I watched less than one episode of Wheel and started drifting off before I moved up to my room.
I had to peek at Nate and Lidet as soon as I woke up--they make such little lumps in their beds! I really should have stayed in my bed a little longer, but was too excited. Nothing to do for three days except play with family!
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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