Ray dropped me off at work on time, no mean feat when it is dark so late, not to mention raining. I had little to do, but looked through our financial records (QuickBooks) for items that we might want to include in an inventory, which was mentioned in an article I read on line about being prepared for disasters. There is always a certain amount of "background" bookkeeping to do--checks to write and mail, deposits tp record, phones to answer. Meredith emailed me that she was home sick, looking for a doctor's appointment, but it's a challenge finding one who will take new patients. I referred her to my new doctor, Jeanne Martin, and she was able to get an appointment at 1:30. I didn't see her, so don't know how it went. I suggested to Kerri that she meet with the Early Childhood people at the school district about getting more of our young ones served by their programs and she thought that was a good idea.
Ray and I had a lovely and inexpensive lunch at Casa Mia--South American food. I had empanadas and he had enchiladas, if I remember right, with salad and rice and beans. Plantain chips. We even splurged and split a piece of cake. Chocolate-raspberry; yum! It did take a little more than an hour, by the time I took him back to his office. No checks to deposit, sigh.
At 3:30, I left and picked him up and we headed home. Another sunny and pleasant afternoon. Apparently, it didn't rain much at all. I could still see the darker places where I had watered on Tuesday. I opened the chicken coop door and picked some more green beans. Amazing! There are peppers too--in fact there is a blossom on the eggplant, but I don't think it will possibly turn into anything this late. Also basil. I spent time looking at recipes, deciding what to make for supper and changing my mind 2 or 3 times. It was too warm for the stew I planned. And we had a big lunch and had to eat an early dinner. I settled on potatoes and green beans with simple dressing. It was tasty, I must say. We had a little grilled chicken, left over, with it.
Fed the dogs and the chickens and headed to rehearsal. We did all of Act I, with costumes, and it was pretty fun. I had planned to go to choir rehearsal, but felt like I needed to work on the play more. Apparently, the choreographer quit early on and the dance numbers are pretty up in the air. As the apple seller, I was added in between scenes for a distraction while they change the set behind the curtain.
The kids, naturally, totally steal the show. Terry was smart in casting lots of them--you can hear their singing really well. At one point, Miss Hannigan is drinking from a flask. One of the little girls stands there looking at her. She says, "What? It's medicine." The little girl's reply? "You must be very sick." Hysterical. And when she sings, "Little Girls," the tiniest child, can't be more than 4, mimics all her actions. Too cute. I share the smallest, farthest dressing room with four other women, but that's fine. At Town & Gown, all the women share one dressing room all the time and it is pretty hectic. This will work fine. We sing from the wings on some numbers to increase the sound. It's fun to be part of it and we can read the music. However, Sandy is tied back there and we all have to step over her or around her, every time we go on or off. It's going to be chaos!
We left about 9 (we're not in the last few scenes) and were home in time to watch some TV and eat ice cream. I had a little trouble falling asleep (adrenaline?) and then woke up before 5:30. Still have some minor cold symptoms--sore throat and occasional cough.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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