Once again I suck at sleeping. Warm last night, couldn't fall asleep. Woke up at midnight, couldn't go back to sleep. Got up and started packing, read some, eventually fell asleep. Cold when I woke up. Achy. Only four days till we leave for France! I hope I can be sane. Today is the day to get everything done at work--and maybe do some more shopping. I need to get something for my mother for Mother's Day. She ordered herself shoes, shorts, shirts from L.L. Bean (or Lands End). I went to Masada Leather downtown, ostensibly to look for something for her (and also maybe purses for me). I ended up with two more pair of shoes--one sneakers, one kind of water shoe/sandally things for the boat. I tried on some TopSiders too, a sort of dressier boat shoes, but decided I would end up wearing the more comfortable ones most of the time, even though they are pretty ugly. I looked at purses; I wanted to buy a lightweight small waterproof one, or maybe a fanny pack, but Ray talked me out of it. They also had a waterproof tote bag with a sleeve for a laptop, but he said the boat bag is what we always use. They did have some nice leather purses that will probably work for my everyday purse, but I decided I didn't want to take them on the boat trip, so I will look again when I come back.
Yesterday morning I went to a training with Meredith and Nora and 40 other people about Program Evaluation--a good topic and a good presenter, a social work professor who is new since I graduated (I guess almost all of them are), Michelle. But nothing really new and inspiring. I had trouble sitting still for two hours, even with a break. I left early, at 11:15, to meet Becky and Janna for lunch at the Continuing Education Center. I was 5 minutes late, but they were about 30 minutes late. I should have stayed at the training. I went ahead and ordered and it was a good thing, because I was still there over an hour. It was a good l lunch though and I enjoyed seeing them. Mark and Lara are both graduating this weekend and we all had a lot to say.
When I got back to work, I was trying to get things done, but Danny called and the new computers are here. So he brought them over and was setting mine up--so I left a little early and went down to Masada, where Ray met me and I bought my shoes. We went home about 4 and there were chickens! Becky, Manita's daughter, had lent us 4 black pullets for our chicken tractor. Captain and I were excited, and Ray was even interested enough to go right out and look at them. Vanessa did not seem the least bit intrigued. It was very hot, so I didn't spend much time outside. Even Captain had stayed in mostly. It hit 90 in town.
Trevor, the shrimp man, called, and I went with the Captain to meet him at a gas station and pick up our shrimp, which was good, because there wasn't much for supper otherwise. He had gone to North Carolina for the shrimp, instead of his usual place, Louisiana (because of the oil spill). They were, as usual, wonderful looking--about 9 lbs for $60. I was trying to figure what he must pay for them to make it worth driving there and delivering them all over to make any money. He is on disability and his son helps him at this end with the deliveries.
Ray had to go out to the Democratic Committee, so he didn't get back til after 7. Vanessa did a lot of the work on supper, while the Captain packed the shrimp in 1 lb bags for freezing. We also gave the chickens some more water. They peep almost constantly in a kind of pleasant, low-key way. I picked the asparagus that was ready; we will save it for tomorrow and add some more. Only a few more strawberries today too. Then we had mojitos while I finished up supper and we waited for Ray.
After supper. some TV and knitting--the second leg on the cat hoodie. Taylor will probably show up for it today. I read some when we went to bed, a new light romance/mystery. But Ray got up just when I was falling asleep...and you know the rest.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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