I woke up before 5 even though I wasn't in bed until after 11. Ray and I are enjoying having the house to ourselves, not that we are doing anything differently than we would if my parents were here. They called and left a message on the answering machine, which I think means they're safely arrived for the night somewhere. But their cell phone was breaking up, so I can't really understand the message. I should have called, but it was so late by the time I thought of it that I didn't.
I called the Maytag repair man for our washing machine at work without making any jokes about them being lonely. We had our staff meeting without incident. I wrote and signed and mailed checks to the gas company, the water company and others. I dug up information on our workers comp history to give to a different insurance company to see if we can get a lower rate. Some volunteers from Baldor came to study the kitchen and see about putting the dishwasher in. We have gotten another $1000 from Georgia Power, so we can buy a new one instead of a used one. The volunteers will run a new electrical circuit for it and build a counter, etc. It's nice to work for an organization that has built up such a positive reputation in the community and so many supporters. I know if there were a financial crisis, we would be able to raise the money to keep going.
I was supposed to leave at 3:30 to go get my mammogram, but the phone kept ringing and people kept showing up (interns, etc.), so I didn't leave until almost 4. They have moved some things out to a building in Oconee County and it seems to take forever to get there. There are a bunch of big brick buildings and it took me a while to find the right one. Then of course I had to wait a while, since I had technically missed my appointment. Ray was waiting for me at Transmet, a restaurant near the bus stop, drinking beer and correcting papers, so I didn't feel too bad for him.
When we got home, I picked green beans, eggplant, basil. The ground is still muddy and wet from all the rain, but the grasshoppers don't seem to mind. They are mating everywhere and I can't bring myself to crush them with my fingers like my Dad would. Ray made bean sanp with our own tomatoes. I chopped the basil and peppers for the hot pot salad, as well as peeling the potatoes. Working on dinner together was nice.
Amelia called from Madrid and she and I talked on Skype for 40 minutes. It is kind of incredible to be able to see her room and the things she bought today (yarn, postcards) so far away and absolutely free. We are both looking forward to our visit coming up soon. It will be kind of an adventure for the two of us to be driving around Galicia with our limited Spanish. Fun and beautiful and delicious and interesting, and probably not dangerous.
I was thinking about my next knitting project, so Ray and worked on straightening out a bunch of old yarn while we watched John Stewart...and Cybill.
It was nice to see the sun yesterday, but the heat and the wet earth made it unpleasantly humid, and we opened the windows even so when it got below 78 out. This morning it seems cool and comfortable.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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