Yesterday morning, Ray, Vanessa, Janna and I went to a political protest in Oconee County. The Captain did not. He wasn't feeling very good, maybe from eating at Carrabbas the night before (including rare steak and fried calamari). He also seemed pretty depressed. I was very depressed after attending a rally organized by some Republicans to protest the health care reform plan. The Oconee County Democrats had organized the counter-protest. I will say that the speakers generally agreed that reform is needed. It seems they think that the free market will bring it about if we lift the government restrictions. We had yellow signs that said "Not True" that we held up when someone said something we thought was wrong. The upsetting thing is that they really believe that is what the bill says. They chanted, "Read the Bill" over and over. I don't see how we can come to an agreement and make this happen. One of the speakers talked about how nothing the government ever does works. One person in the crowd asked "who pays for your health insurance?" (meaning the government) I do not know how I can make contact with anyone and convince them to change their mind. And so, we will not get any meaningful reform and they will use it to say, "see, government programs don't work." They talked about the cost, which is definitely a concern. But we're paying now! And they talked about limits and rationing, but we have those now! I came home very discouraged and I feel it hanging over me still. Contact my elected officials? That's a joke. Can I write a letter to the editor that has any effect on anyone? The rally started with half an hour of prayer and patriotism--saying the pledge of allegiance, singing the national anthem (and I'm Proud to be an American). The minister said some people hate their country...and that our president should never apologize because we are the greatest nation on Earth, etc. It's hard for people to stand quiet when those things are being said and just one outburst ruins our attempt to show that we are reasonable and polite unlike the other side. God, I don't want there to be another side. I want us to all talk and listen.
In the evening, Ray and Vanessa and I went to ALPS' production of Brigadoon. It was very well done; there were some incredible singers and dancers. But I thought, "what a stupid play." I did see Gloria S. and tell her that I will not be able to act as Treasurer for the time being. So that is a relief.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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